About Me
Hi, my name is Piyush. I am a student at BML Munjal University. I am a passionate coder and have experience in Algorithms, Data Structures, backend developement, web developement, etc. As a natural born go-getter, my passion has continuously driven me to expand my knowledge, experience, and relationships. With a strong background and diverse skill set, I’m confident in the creative ideas and successful solutions I bring to the table. Keep exploring my site to learn more information about me.
I have worked with many languages, frameworks and technologies like C++, Java, Python , REST APIs, Django, MySQL, git, etc.
Currently I am looking forward to opportunities which allow me to apply my problem solving and logical thinking abilities to the real world scenarios and solve real world problems.
BML Munjal University
BTech, Computer Science
2017- 2021 , 9.70 CGPA
- During my stay at the college, I learnt tons of new things, related to both academics and co-curricular activities.
- The course framework was quite broad and touched upon most of the things required for an overall developement as a computer science engineer.
- Talking about the co-curricular activities, two of the most interesting things I learnt during my stay at the university are BasketBall and Photography.
Worked as a part of Payments team on the backend
- I am a part of the payments team whose task is to take care of the whole payments done on the platform between merchant and customers.
- Worked on building internal tools to improve the efficiency of the teams by reducing the complexity of processes.
- Highly involved in the process of setting up a new PSP on our platform.
- Added new functionalities in the current codebase to improve functionalities of dependent teams.
Student Developer
Jan 2020 - April 2020
Worked on backend of QBox, QMoney and QCharm
QBox is a secure file-sharing service. It is a customized version of the popularly available VSFTPD server.
Major takeaways:
- Created pre-installed scripts to run system checks, install and configure QBox.
- Developed tools to automatically analyze performance and functionality issues in different versions of QBox.
Skills Learnt: Linux Commands OS Concepts Networking Concepts Network Security
QMoney is a visual stock portfolio analyzer. It helps portfolio managers make trade recommendations for their clients.
Major takeaways:
- Implemented the core logic of the portfolio manager and published it as a library.
- Refactored code to add support for multiple stock quote services.
- Improved application stability and performance.
Skills Learnt: Java REST API Jackson Interfaces Code Refactoring Gradle
QCharm is an online IDE. Programmers use QCharm to write source code and execute it inside the editor.
Major takeaways:
- Implemented basic editor features that included: opening a file, navigation, search/replace, cut/copy/paste, undo/redo.
- Implemented the same functionality with multiple data structures to understand the effect of design choices on performance.
- Improved the performance further by using hybrid data structures and algorithms.
Skills Learnt: Applied DS ArrayList Naive Search String manipulation KMP search Linked List
COVID-19 risk assesment and predictor tool
- Developed an COVID-19 risk assessment tool and COVID-19 predictor tool based on Chest X-Rays.
- There were two parts: Risk assessment, Chest X-Ray analysis
- Risk assesment was based on dataset by Nexiod and we tested and compared multiple ML models after data preprocessing
- Covid Predictor was built using deep learning models trained using transfer learning and also tried a model built from scratch
- We achieved around 98% accuracy in predicting COVID-19 from Chest X-Rays.
- Deployed these models using Django framework, Python, HTML, CSS.
Homomorphic encryption for training Neural Networks
- This project was a part of Cryptography Course at the university.
- Taking advantage of the property of homomorphic encryption scheme of allowing arithmetic operation over encrypted text, I along with a classmate developed a neural network which could be trained over encrypted data.
- This is a step towards a private and secure future considering that the future is AI based.
- Used Somewhat Homomorphic Encryption system proposed by Zhou and Wornell.
An Assistant for Researchers
- This tool helps researchers to find research papers on the topics which they are working on.
- The researcher provides a link to a sample research paper (pdf) and then this tool parses the text from pdf to create a query which is used to crawl the internet.
- This tool uses focused crawling which helps reduce search time and improves efficiency.
- As this tool crawls the internet to search for research papers so it can only find openly accessible research papers.
- Implemented using Python and its libraries like BeautifulSoup ,NLTK , request , PyPDF.
Cyber Abuse Revelation Engine
Smart India Hackathon Finals
- As a part of Smart India Hackathon, built an engine that would crawl the surface web, search for child abuse, women abuse, cyber bullying and pornography and would report the same to the authorities.
- The implementation included use of Information retrieval, Machine learning and Natural language processing.
Waste Management using Blockchain
Developed a novel idea for waste segreagation and management
- Worked on developing an idea for making waste segregation and collection easy and fruitful using blockchain.
- The idea was developed by me and my team mates during an academic course.
- Considering the novelty of the idea, a patent was filed for the same which is currently under evaluation.
Developed a web app for maintaining todos
- Worked on a Vue based web app for maintaining ToDos.
- Built upon an already existing app and added some functionalities to it.
- Currently adding more features to it.
Security Analysis for HealthCare services
https://bit.ly/SecurityAnalysisReportSecurity Analysis of Cloud-IoT based environment for HealthCare services
The project dealt with security analysis of cloud-IoT based environment which has potential applications in health care services of the future. It mainly dealt with creating a new protocol for transmission of user’s data over the insecure internet by analysing the present proposed protocols and improving them to obtain a lightweight but effective protocol. In the process I learnt HLPSL (High Level Protocol Specification Language) and AVISPA tool for testing new protocols.
A Little More About Me
Programming, C++, Java, Python, Shell, Git , REST APIs , Linux, Django